Very often in life, I find myself bogged down with the prickly details of practical life. Like thorns on a bush, the practicalities of life can feel so jarring to me when I just want to go to my happy place. But what if we can go to our happy place while we're shlepping through the practical trivialities? What if we can chop our wood and carry our water with delight? What if we can find out how to giggle through the drudge, through the pain, through the tears. Or, at least, after them. Actually, that is usually what happens for me. Once I've moved through a tough feeling, a dull practical task, I can access my delight in life more truly. And I find this to be even more true and more delicious when I have someone with me to giggle with.
I used to visit my grand uncle John in Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. We would go to the local raspberry fields to pick raspberries. I have tender memories of my 90 year-old Uncle John giggling over at me through the raspberry brambles. We would stay there for what felt hours just giggling together with loving eyes. That experience touched me more deeply than many. He showed me a sweetness and delight that I could enjoy with men. Something I will be forever grateful to him for.
But the metaphor is clear to me. Can we meet each other in the brambles of life with a giggle? It makes negotiating through the brambles that much easier, smoother and sweeter. I know I enjoy eating a meal when it is shared with others from my soul pod. I can take deep nourishment in the silent meal. But something magical happens when we share a moment with someone who feels sweet to us, who meets us in each moment with a real aliveness and kindness. And with a heart-felt sharing... Let's giggle together with our hearts open. Of course, after a good cry.